Saturday, December 12, 2015

Single Rose - Finished painting

Here is the finished oil painting on canvas panel.  It is 6" x 6"

Monday, November 30, 2015

Rose study

Yesterday I painted this rose from my garden.  I spent about an hour on it so far. I plan to let it dry and then I will spend a few minutes more to make final touches. It is 6" X 6", oil on a canvas panel. 

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Kyle Ma, painter, visited my studio

A couple of weeks ago, Kyle Ma visited my studio.  We have been sharing art DVDs and books since I met him at my son's school 2 years ago.  Kyle is 15 years old and already his work is that of a professional artist with many years of experience.
Recently, I switched to Cobra water mixable oil paints and I wanted to let Kyle try them.  I set up my easel and palette so he could mess around with the paint.  Instead of just pushing paint around on the canvas, he started painting from the reference photos I used for my last barn painting.  To my surprise, he finished the painting in under 30 minutes.  Wow!  I really admire artists that can interpret a scene with an impressionistic painting style.  It is so much harder than it looks.  I have tried to paint that way for years and I still cannot do it.  My paintings style is Contemporary Realism.

Kyle is destined to become a great artist.  I am fortunate enough to own 2 of his paintings.  He is represented by Wilcox Gallery in Jackson, Wyoming and Bella Muse Gallery in Ogden, Utah. Check out their website and you will see that almost every painting is sold as quickly as he sends them to the gallery.  Another gallery that shows his work this month, as a guest artist, is Insight Gallery in Fredericksburg, Texas.  Even the owners of two of these galleries own Kyle's work in their private collections.  If you have ever thought about investing in art, check out Kyle's paintings.
Kyle Ma

Debbie Cernosek and I watching Kyle paint.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Jenny Lake - Downstream

Finished this 8" X 10" oil painting of a favorite site in Grand Teton National Park. 

Friday, November 6, 2015

Below Jenny Lake, Step 1

This will be my third attempt to paint this scene.  I've scraped the canvas panel twice before because I was not happy with the results.  Hopefully, the third time is a charm.  Jenny Lake, in Grand Teton National Park, is one of my favorite places to visit when I am in Jackson Hole Wyoming.  The lake empties into this little stream. This is an oil painting that is 8" x 10".

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Old Barn - Michaelis Ranch

This is my second landscape oil painting.  It is painted on a canvas panel.  This painting is 8" x 10".

Saturday, October 10, 2015

My paintings on Hawaii 5-0

Two of my tropical paintings appeared on Hawaii 5-0 last night. That's them on the wall. Kind of exciting to see my paintings on a national tv show. This shouldn't be the only time they appear because CBS network's production company bought the rights to show them on Hawaii 5-0, and any of their shows "in the universe, forever". 

Friday, August 21, 2015

Old Barn

I love old barns, and have photographed so many over the years. I think this is the first time I've painted one. This one is only 5 miles from my home, so I've passed by it many times. It's not a very big barn. There is probably a larger one further in the woods but I don't have permission to enter the property. This is an oil painting that is 8" x 10". 

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Near Galveston Texas

This is the house where we are staying for this holiday weekend. I made a line sketch of it yesterday late afternoon. Today, since it's been raining, I spent a couple of hours putting in the shading. I'm glad I photographed yesterday, so I could work on it today. I still need to spend more time drawing trees and bushes. 

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Hawaii Five-O Television series to feature 2 of my paintings next season

Last week, CBS Network's production company purchased 2 reproductions of my tropical paintings for the set of their television series "Hawaii Five-O". The large Giclee prints: Tropical Peace and Tropical Harmony, were purchased through my Etsy store.  The 22" x 30" prints have already been received at their offices in Hawaii.  Production for the 6th season's shows will begin in June. A spokes person for the show said the paintings will probably be used in more than one show.
To find my store on Etsy, please go to and in the search bar at the top, type the name: CERNOSEK.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Etsy store set up

I recently set up a store on It was very simple to do. The only problem I had was dealing with shipping costs. Etsy is perfect for selling my Giclee prints and small original paintings. To see my store, go to and type in CERNOSEK for the store name. 

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Tree studies

Yesterday, it was cloudy and misting. The perfect time to go out and study the silhouettes of trees. I took a lot of photographs of trees and an old farm house that I found. These are two sketches that I did.